EDUCATION MICHAEL J. BAZYLER Professor of Law University of Southern California Law School J.D. 1978 Honors and activities: Articles Editor, Southern California Law Review University of California, Los Angeles B.A. 1974 Honors and activities: Summa Cum Laude graduate, Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, California State Scholar; major: Political Science/International Relations. Foreign Languages Russian, Polish PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Law Instruction: 2008-Present Chapman University School of Law, Whittier Law School 1982-2008 1 (Bazyler) Heroes’ Remembrance Authority) and holder of the Baron Friedrich Carl von Oppenheim Chair for the Study of Racism, Antisemitism and the Holocaust. Spring 03Fellow, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.; Spring 02Visiting Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School Courses: Torts; Holocaust and the Law 1988-89, 94, 97, 2000 University of San Diego School of Law Instructor Summer Abroad (Summer) 1994 – 1996 Legal Experience: 1979-81 1978-79 PUBLICATIONS Course: East-West Trade Law, Russia/Poland Program Oxford Program - Course: Public International Law (Summer 2000) Harvard Law School Morrison & Foerster Los Angeles office Litigation Associate The Honorable Ozell M. Trask The Holocaust, Genocide and the Law: The Quest for Justice in a post-Holocaust World (Oxford University Press) (2013 expected publication date) Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust (with Frank Tuerkheimer) (2012 expected publication date) Comparative law: Global Legal Traditions for the 21st century (with Abdullahi al-Naim, Russell Miller and Peter Yu) (Lexis/Nexis) (2012 expected publication date) "From Lamentation to Liturgy to Litigation": The Holocaust Restitution Movement as a Model for Bringing Armenian Genocide-Era Restitution Suits in American Courts," Marquette Law Review (2011-forthcoming) "Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the UK and Lessons for Today: Will History Repeat Itself?" University College of London Human Rights Review (2011-forthcoming) “Reparation and Restitution,” in the Cambridge Dictionary of Jewish History and Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press 2011) Book 2 (Bazyler) “The Thousand Year Reich’s Over One Thousand Anti-Jewish Laws,” in The Routledge History of the Holocaust, (Routledge 2011) Book "The Holocaust, Nuremberg and the Birth of Modern International Law" in Holocaust and Justice: Representation & Historiography of the Holocaust in Post-War Trials (Oxford: Berghahn Books 2010) Book “Litigating the Pillage of Cultural Property in American Courts: Chabad v. Russian Federation and Lessons Learned, 32 Loyola International and Comparative Law Review 45 (2011) (co- author with Seth Gerber); (a different version of this article appears in the International Journal of Cultural Property, v. 17, issue 2, pp.361-386) Article “Ein Unabgeschiossenes Kapitel Der Holocaust-Justiz: Die Holocaust Restitutionsbewegung und die Nazi-Raubkunst” [The Unfinished Business of Holocaust Justice: The Holocaust Restitution Movement and Nazi Looted Art], in Catalog accompanying art exhibition Raub und Restitution – Kulturgut aus jüdischem Besitz von 1933 bis heute [Robbery and Restitution – Jewish-Owned Cultural Assets from 1933 to Today] at Jüdisches Museum Berlin [Jewish Museum, Berlin] and Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt [Jewish Museum, Frankfurt] (2009) Essay “Holocaust Reparation and Restitution,” Entry in The Cambridge Dictionary of Jewish Religion, History, and Culture (J. Baskin. Ed.2009.) “Japan Should Follow the International Trend and Face Its History of World War II Forced Labor” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 5-3-09, January 2009 Raphael Lemkin’s Dossier On the Armenian Genocide (CAR 2008) Foreword “What Can Be Done About Genocide: American Civil Justice As A Model For Remedial Action,” in Will Genocide Ever End? John K. Roth, Carol Ritter and James Smith, Editors ( St. Paul , MN: Paragon Press 2002, paperback edition 2007) Contributor Holocaust Restitution: Perspectives on the Litigation and Its Legacy “Contemporary Legal Lessons from the Holocaust,” 19 Jewish Political Studies Review 15 (Spring 2007) “The Role of the Soviet Union at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg” chapter in Die Nürnberger Prozesse: Völkerstrafrecht seit 1945 / The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law Since 1945 (Herbert R Reginbogin, Christoph J Safferling, und Walter R Hippel, editors (Kluwer 2006) “The Gray Zones of Holocaust Restitution: American Justice and Holocaust Morality” in Gray Zones: Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath, Jonathan Petropoulos & John K. Roth (Oxford, K: Berghahn Books 2005) 3 (Bazyler) “The Holocaust on Trial: David Irving vs. Penguin Books Ltd. And Deborah Lipstadt” in Jews on Trial, Robert Garber, Editor (Ktav Publishing House 2005) “Suing Hitler’s Willing Business Partners: American Justice and Holocaust Morality,” 16 Jewish Political Studies Review 3 (Fall 2004) “Lex Americana : Holocaust Litigation in American Courts As A Model for Remedial Action for Genocide and Other Human Massive Rights Abuses” in Enteignet – Vetrieben – Ermordet :Beiträge zur Genozidforschung [Expropriated - Expelled – Killed: Genocide Studies], dominikschaller, Rupert Boyadjian, Vivianne Mountain & Hanno Scholtz, Editors ( Zurich : Chronos Verlag 2004) Contributor Holocaust Justice: The Battle for Restitution in America’s Courts (New York : N.Y.U. Press 2003; paperback edition, 2005) “Trading With the Enemy: Holocaust Restitution, The United States Government, and American Industry,” 28 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 683 (2003) (co-author with Amber L. Fitzgerald) Article “Nuremberg in America: Litigating The Holocaust in United States Courts,” 34 University of Richmond Law Review 1 (2000). [234-page study of the Holocaust restitution movement in the United States - Article cited in various court decisions, including in AIA v. Garamendi, 539 U.S. 396 (2003) Article “Holocaust Restitution In the United States : A Search For Justice” in Remembering For the Future: The Holocaust In An Age of Genocide, John K. Roth and Elizabeth Maxwell, Editors. (London: Palgrave 2001) Contributor “Holocaust Restitution in Comparative Perspective,” 20 Berkeley Journal of International Law 101 (2001) Article “www.swissbankclaims.com: The Legality and Morality of the Holocaust-Era Restitution Settlement with the Swiss Banks,” 25 Fordham Journal of Int’l Law 64 (2001) Article Encyclopedia of Genocide , Contributing Editor Israel Charny, Executive Editor, (Santa Barbara , CA : ABC-CLIO 2000) (Second Edition is forthcoming) “Reexamining the Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention in Light of the Atrocities in Kampuchea and Ethiopia,” 23 Stanford Journal of International Law 547 (1987) [Article is excerpted in various international law casebooks] Article “Abolishing the Act of State Doctrine,” 134 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 325 (1986) [Article is cited in various international law casebooks] Article “Capturing Terrorists in the 'Wild Blue Yonder': International Law and the Achille Lauro and Libyan Aircraft Incidents,” 8 Whittier Law Review 245 (1986) Article 4 (Bazyler) “Litigating the Holocaust,”33 University Of Richmond Law Review 601 (1999) Article “Litigating the International Law of Human Rights: A 'How To' Approach,” 7 Whittier Law Review 713 (1985) [reprinted in Redden's Modern Legal Systems Encyclopedia] Article “Litigating the International Law of Human Rights in the United States Courts: Siderman v. Republic of Argentina ,” 31 International Practitioner's Notebook 1 (1985) REPRESENTATIVE PRESENTATIONS Co-Organizer of Conference to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Eichmann Trial, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, September 15-16, 2011 “Jewish Treasures in the Former Soviet Union: Chabad v. Russian Federation,” Conference on Looted Art, Harvard Law School, February 8-9, 2008 Organizer of Tribute to Benjamin Ferencz, Chief Prosecutor in U.S. v. Ohlendorf, [Trial of No. 9] at Nuremberg, Germany on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of issuance of verdicts (April 19, 1948), American Society of International Law Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. April 10, 2008 “Transitional Justice” conference and Pierre Genest Visiting Fellow at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada February 2008, Keynote address "Genocide Restitution Litigation: Comparative Analysis of Armenian Genocide Victims and Other Victim Groups," paper presented at "Armenian Genocide and International Law" conference, USC Institute of Armenian Studies, September 9, 2007 "The Morality and Immorality of Holocaust Restitution," Annual Feibel Family Lecture on Law and Judaism Presenter at Michael E. Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University, March 2, 2006 "Pursuing Human Dignity: The Legacies of Nuremberg for International Law, Human Rights, and Education" paper presented at Harvard Law School conference commemorating 60th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials, November 3, 2005 "The Role of the Soviet Union in the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg," Nuremberg Trials Conference, sponsored by Touro Law School, Nuremberg, Germany, July 14-16, 2005 Lead co-organizer of two conferences held to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials: in New York at Cardozo Law School, March 2005; and in Nuremberg, Germany in Courtroom 600 of the Palace of Justice, the original location of the Nuremberg Trials, July 2005 5 (Bazyler) "Profiting from the Holocaust and the Search for Justice: Lessons for the African-American Reparations Movement," paper presented at "Restitution and Reconciliation in International Perspective" conference at Brown University, March 20, 2005 (portions of paper incorporated in the Brown University Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice Report (http://brown.edu/Research/Slavery_Justice/documents/slaveryandjustice.pdf) “The Morality and Immorality of Holocaust Restitution,” paper presented at Fordham Law School, Conference on Holocaust Restitution: Reconciling Moral Imperatives with Legal Initiatives and Diplomacy, November 1, 2001 “Holocaust Restitution in Comparative Perspective,” paper presented at Association of Genocide Scholars Bi-Annual Conference - University of Minnesota, June 12, 2001 “Trading with the Enemy: Holocaust Restitution and American Industry,” paper presented at Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley , Stefan A. Riesenfeld Symposium 2001, Fifty Years In the Making: World War II Reparation and Restitution Claims, March 9, 2001 “Holocaust Restitution Litigation in the United States: A Triumph of American Justice,” paper presented at U.C.L.A. Conference on Confronting the Past: Memory, Identity, and Society, February 4, 2001 Siderman de Blake v. Republic of Argentina, the first U.S. case to hold a foreign nation responsible for torture committed on foreign soil. Lead co-counsel, 1996 OTHER Expert witness before the Government Reform Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing on Holocaust-era insurance, September 16,2003. Testimony located at: http://michaelbazyler.com/downloads/congressional-testimony-bazyler-9-13-03.pdf 6 (Bazyler) His most recent book Holocaust, Genocide and the Law: A Quest for Justice in A Post-Holocaust World (Oxford University Press, 2016; paperback, 2017) Is the winner of a National Jewish Book Award Prize as the best book on the Holocaust for 2016. |
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